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6月, 2015の投稿を表示しています


私は楽しいこと考えるリラックスしてストレスをためないようにすると心がスッキリしました。 良いことを探す旅に出てポジティブにおしゃべりできる友人を探す The positive method that can consider I think about a pleasant thing; when prevented being relaxed and from saving stress, a heart was refreshing. I look for the friend who goes for a trip in search of a good thing, and can talk positively

Dinner of the spaghetti which a wife cooked

A wife provided spaghetti for dinner, but started it without warming the sauce bolognaise of the canned food. Because is tired; such; is so, but try that was started without warming the sauce bolognaise in one's life for the first time. It was bad and was not able to eat it. If I protest a wife if strange, Spaghetti is fed with the meat sauce which the wife does not always warm in a childhood, and seemed to be brought up, and is a sense of incongruity; seem to be. On the contrary, it was said that oneself was funnier. I was said to never cook spaghetti in the house. Abnormal one's sense; specially Is it such general how to eat to eat without warming the bolognese?